V4RIT-SUARR – Virtual Autumn School, 13.11.2024

On behalf of the implementers of the project V4RIT-SUARR - V4 Regions in Transition Support the Reconstruction and Rebuilding of Ukraine, we would like to invite you to participate in the Virtual Autumn School ‘We learn from the mistake of others’, which will take place on ZOOM communication platform on 13.11.2024.

The Virtual Autumn School will be based on the knowledge of the V4 partners and their experience in dealing with the redevelopment of transition regions. The school will include presentations and discussions covering topics chosen by participants in the project's early events and a workshop - ‘The search for a future function is difficult but necessary’. The lectures will be aimed primarily at the Ukrainian audience, for whom the knowledge transfer is primarily intended. Lectures will be concentrated on issues related to the redevelopment of transition regions.

The Virtual Winter School is dedicated to representaines:

  • Regional public authority - representatives of regional councils or person responsible for planning, environment, turism or transition
  • Local public authority - representatives of municipalities and inter-municipal organisations responsible for economic environmental and regional development
  • Bussines organisation, SME´s - land owners, construction companies, development agencies, developers, leisure and tourism service provider. organization provide business conected with transition of region
  • Professional public and experts - persons who are professionally involved in the objectives of the project
  • NGO - organisations - supporting development, education and environmental activities
  • Higher education and research - representatives of urban, regional planning, environmental, development or other similar topic departments in universities
  • General public from transition regions and students


13.11.2024 – on-line meeting on ZOOM platform
Godziny – 9:00 am - 3.00 pm (PL time)



09:00 – 09:10   Invitation, instruction

09:10 – 09:40  Strengthening the protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure – case studies – what went wrong and why
                        – Milan Husár, Ph.D., SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

09:40 – 10:10  Implementation of climate change resilience activities searching for possibilities and ways
                        – Eva Pauditšová, Ph.D., SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU at Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

10:10 – 10:30   Discussion

10:30 – 11:00  Regional Waste Management Plans and ReBuilt & RE-PLAN Projects
                        – Marek Matejczyk, MA, Mariusz Kalisz, MSc, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Poland

11:00 – 11:30   USE – advantages and disadvantages in municipality waste management – why something works and something doesn‘t
                        – Tereza Majstriková. PhD., IURS - Institute for Sustainable Development of Settlements, Czech Republic

11:30 – 12:30   Instruction and Break

12:30 – 13:00  Opportunities an barriers in phytomanagement of heavy metal contaminated soils using high yielding energy and industrial crops
                        – Jacek Krzyżak, PhD, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Poland

13:00 – 13:30  Technical problems of new construction related to underground mining – money for surveys is not money wasted
                        – Assoc. Prof. Barbara Vojvodíková, Ph.D., IURS Institute for Sustainable Development of Settlements, Czech Republic

13:30 – 15:00   Workshop - The search for a future function is difficult but necessary


Agenda (pdf)

Presenters' biographies and abstracts (pdf)

The Virtual Autumn School will be translated simultaneously (English / Ukrainian)

At the end of the series of lectures for the Ukrainian participants, those interested will be able to take a test.
Those who successfully answer the questions will receive a certificate of completion of this Autumn School.



More information about VIRTUAL WINTER SCHOOL

Strengthening the functioning of Ukrainian local self-governments as key actors in the processes of rebuilding Ukraine and preparing its accession to the European Union is a key objective of the V4RIT-SUARR project, funded by the Funduszu Wyszehradzkiego.

More information about the project – V4RIT-SUARR - V4 Regions in Transition Supporting Ukraine Redevelopment and Reconstruction






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