Workshop “Making recycling of packaging waste a profitable business for SMEs” – Katowice, 26 March 2019

EREK’s eighth workshop titled ‘Making recycling of packaging waste a profitable business for SMEs’ took place on 26 March 2019 in Katowice, Poland. Designated as an EU Industry Days event, it was hosted by the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas in cooperation with the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster – Polish National Key Cluster.

The objectives of the workshop were twofold. On the one hand, it aimed at presenting the key issues SMEs involved in packaging waste management faced when they try to become more resource efficient. On the other hand, it looked at the system of waste management as a whole, taking into account economic feasibility, technical viability, market drivers and the current and upcoming EU and Polish regulatory framework. 54 participants attended to the workshop. The audience was mainly composed of companies dealing with collection, sorting and processing of packaging waste, technology providers and branch organisations.

Participants attended sessions on driving the Circular Economy, on how to make resource efficiency and ecodesign a reality. The companies' views and recommendations were presented and the next challenges. The participants actively took part in discussions, sharing their knowledge and experience as stakeholders of the public and private sectors.

The workshop provided a forum for discussions and exchange of experiences on dealing with the challenges related to the current business operations and future development opportunities of enterprises involved in packaging waste management system in Poland in the context of ambitious targets set up in current and new regulations, the constantly changing market conditions, and the demand for increasing the quality and quantity of secondary raw materials.

You can find the presentations here:


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