SAVE THE DATE! – Four transnational workshops – ReBuilt project

IETU invites you to four workshops organised as part of the ReBuilt project. The ReBuilt project - Circular and digital renewal of central Europe construction and building sector aims to increasing social awareness and promoting circular construction by creating an educational program; modernization and piloting of new solutions (technical and digital) in this sector; developing demand-enhancing activities such as the introduction of green labelling, end-of-waste procedures, green public procurement and by creating the first Central European Circular Building Strategy to be implemented through a network of regional Circular Building Hubs.

Planned workshop dates:

  • 3 September 2024  for the target group  University and vocational students.
  • 10 September 2024 for the target group Industry and SMEs.
  • 11 September 2024 for the target group Architects and investors.
  • 13 September 2024 for the target group  Goverments and public servants.

All workshops will take place online.The workshop will be held in English.

Workshops will be organised in order to get a high quality fitback to the concept of training and exploring the possibility of transnational education/training programmes, either at academic level or in lifelong learning.

Registration form and more information will follow in the coming days.

More about ReBuilt project



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