Environmental remediation
Soil protection has a direct impact on water and air quality, biodiversity, and climate change. IETU focuses its research on adapting the quality of soil and ground to the acceptable levels of ecological and health risks with a simultaneous maintaining and stimulating biodiversity. The scope of research includes combining methods for phytoremediation of a contaminated soil-water environment with the possibility of cultivating energy crops on degraded areas.
The scope of our research includes:
- selection of plant species for energy crop production on degraded areas and development of methods and procedures for site preparation based on remediation techniques,
- adaptation and use of vascular plants in the process of remediation of contaminated soil-water environment,
- methods and tools for phytoremediation of soil-water environment contaminated with organic and inorganic compounds based on the process effectiveness assessment (using risk assessment methods and molecular biology techniques),
- possibilities and methods of restoring the function of soil on degraded areas.
Dr. Jacek Krzyżak
Leading expert - Soil remediation, nature-based solutions and urban agriculture
tel. 32 254 60 31 wew. 231,