Waste and resource management

The main objective of this research area is to develop new knowledge, methods and tools (know-how) to support the acquisition and use of resources available in waste streams for the needs of waste management planning based on a circular economy model as well as for optimisation of the recovery of raw materials and energy.

The scope of our research includes:

  • optimisation of processes in municipal waste management in order to increase the recovery of raw materials and energy,
  • analysis of waste potential in terms of its use as a resource,
  • safe management and disposal of waste coming from mechanical-biological treatment, incineration and waste formerly stored,
  • reduction of environmental impact of products and reduction of waste using LCA tools and carbon footprint.
Marek Matejczyk
Leading expert - Waste and resource management
 tel. 32 254 60 31 wew. 235, 



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