RE-PLAN CITY LIFE – RElevant Audience Plan Leading to Awareness Network for CIrcular Economy Use of Recycled TYre materials in city LIFE

The project focuses on the possibilities of using secondary raw materials obtained in tire recycling processes (recycled tire materials - RTM) in accordance with the circular economy rules (CE). On the Polish waste management market, material recycling of such common waste as used tires is very limited (approx. 15% of the stream of collected tires). Currently, the dominant tire processing process is thermal transformation in cement plants (approx. 60% of the stream of collected tires). Although energy is recovered there, from the point of view of the CE, the raw material potential is wasted. Many years of research and implementation results show that with the smart approach, the use of RTM (rubber, steel, textiles and plastics) can bring measurable benefits. This applies to many applications, such as innovative bitumen and concrete surfaces containing RTM admixtures, vibration damping elements (urban transport, railway lines), or infrastructure from the sports and recreation sector (athletics mats, treadmills, etc.).

The aim of the project is to raise public awareness of the RTM use. In this context, the project focuses at cooperation with public administration, in order to develop solutions that will support the use and implementation of environmentally friendly good practices for the RTM application that can be implemented in municipal investments, as well as green public procurement procedures (GPP). Under the project works a Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) and three Working Groups (WG), which bringing together experts from the main areas of potential RTM applications in urban environments, i.e. Transport, Construction and Sport. Access to WG’s is free and open. As part of the Project, a CE plan for the use of RTM products will be developed and implemented.

One of the key tasks of the Project implemented by IETU is the designing and development of an IT platform (Re-Plan Web Portal). The platform apart from exchanging and searching for information both in terms of materials, products or services, business partners and institutions (Re-Plan Community) - will enable of consultations and exchange of knowledge and information among industry entities, administration and other interested parties use and implementation of RTM. Part of the portal will be a dynamic database of RTM-containing materials and products in six application categories:

  • Roads and road construction
  • Urbanized areas
  • Rail transport
  • Construction
  • Landscape architecture
  • Sports and leisure

The RE-PLAN CITY LIFE project is implemented by a consortium of 14 partners from 6 EU countries. The project is coordinated by ETRA (The European Tire Recycling Association). On the Polish side participate the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU) and the Recycling Cooperation Center, and (on behalf of ETRA) - Recykl S.A. Recycling organization dealing with recycling and recovery of secondary raw materials gathered from waste tires.


Project partners:

  • ETRA, European Tyre Recycling Association, France (coordinator)
  • CMTO, Città Metropolitana Di Torino, Italy
  • COMSA, Spain
  • FGC, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain
  • IASLIM, International Association of Sport and Leisure Infrastructure Management, Slovenia
  • Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU), Poland
  • ITeC, Institut de Tecnologia de la Construcció de Catalunya, Spain
  • KERIDIS, Christoforos Kairidis Techniki Kai Emboriki Anonymi Etaireia, Greece
  • Region of Crete, Greece
  • Politecnico di Torino, Italy
  • Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
  • Waste Management and Recycling Cluster - National Key Cluster, Poland


Project implementation period: January 2022 - June 2025

Total budget: € 2 641 170

EU contribution: € 1 430 090

Project Coordinator at IETU: Mariusz Kalisz, e-mail:

Project website:

Flayer_PLAN_CITY_LIFE (en)



Funding source:

This project has received funding form the European Union’s LIFE programme under LIFE20 GIE FR 282 and is co-financed by National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, Poland




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