
ETV Body IETU on Aqua Netherland Fair 2018 | 13-15 March

ETV Body IETU and KWR Watercycle Research Institute organize jointly a workshop  Confirming the performance of an innovative water technology under the Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) scheme. The workshop will be organized during the Aqua Netherland Fair 2018, which will take place in Gorinchem from 13-15 March this year. The workshop is addressed to Dutch suppliers and purchasers of innovative water solutions interested to verify their technologies at ETV Body IETU in ...

New scientific publications of IETU’s staff

IETU’ researchers have presented scientific results obtained in the following research fields: environmental microbiology, environmental remediation, air quality and regeneration of urban and ...

In one year it will be a different landscape

The construction work has been started on a Ruda Śląska post-zinc dumping place of Liebe-Hoffnung plant, where sleds route, playground, walking paths, viewpoints and barbeque stands will be ...

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